Spinello dei Falconi

Salento IGT Rosè

From Negroamaro grapes. Vermilion wine, transparent and glossy, with a scent of cherry, raspberry and wild rose; it has a dry taste – savory, fresh and elegant – with pleasing flavors of blackberry, on its slightly-bitter base has a wide and caressing body, with a fragrant and harmonious expand.

Serving suggestion: appetizer, sauced pasta, main courses with fish or white meats. Recommended serving temperature: 8-10°.

Soil: clay-rich soil of various composition, placed above hard limestone or tufa, in a flat area from 30 to 60 meters above sea level.

Harvest: the last week of August.

Yield per hectare: 100 quintals.

Vine stocks per hectare: from 4500 to 5000.

Training system: Spurred cordon.

Vinification: the typical technique of “alzata di cappello” controlled fermentation at 18° C, aging in stainless steel.

Our Wines


Extra Dry Sparkling Wine


Chardonnay Salento IGT White


Puglia IGT White


Salento IGT Rosè

Spinello dei Falconi

Salento IGT Rosè


Salento IGT Red


Salento IGT Red


Copertino DOC Red

Copertino Riserva

Copertino DOC Red Reserve


Copertino DOC Red Reserve


Salento IGT Straw Wine

Le Viole

Grappa from Copertino DOC Marcs