Five prizes for Cupertinum’s wines

Five prizes for Cupertinum’s wines

Here they are! 1. At the Wine Expo Poland 2019 two Gold medals and a Silver one. The International Jury of the Wine Expo Poland Awards prized with the Gold Medal the NEGROAMARO Salento Igt and the PRIMITIVO Salento Igt, and with the Silver Medal the COPERTINO Riserva...
Decanter awards the Copertino Doc Riserva

Decanter awards the Copertino Doc Riserva

The new international acknowledgment for the Winery from Copertino Decanter awards the Copertino Doc Riserva with the Silver Medal and 90 points! Decanter is one of the most powerful magazines in the world. Already in 2018, the Cupertinum received a Bronze Medal and...


The English passion for the wines of the winery from Copertino. A Bronze Medal and two recommendations from the Decanter World Wine Awards for  Cupertinum wines! More precisely for Negroamaro, Primitivo and Spinello dei Falconi Rosato, all with the Salento...